March 2 ( 8th Sunday of Year) English Mass 12:30 (9:00 Japanese Mass)
March 9 ( 1st Sunday of Lent ) English Mass 12:30 (9:00 Japanese Rite of distributing Holy Communion outside of Mass)
March 16 ( 2nd Sunday of Lent ) English Mass 12:30 (9:00 Japanese Mass)
March 23 ( 3rd Sunday of Lent ) Rite of distributing Holy Communion outside of Mass 12:30 (9:00 Japanese Rite of distributing Holy Communion outside of Mass)
March 30 ( 4th Sunday of Lent ) English Mass 12:30 (9:00 Japanese Mass)
weekday 7:00 (Japanese Mass)
First Friday 18:30 (Japanese Mass)
March 5 (Ash Wednsday) Japanese and English Mass 18:30