





Father Ken’s Message:

Good afternoon and welcome to the Catholic Cathedral of Sapporo. Today is Trinity Sunday. God can be explained as a relationship between three persons: Father; Son; and Holy Spirit. Therefore, when God made us human beings in his image and likeness, we too were made to be in relationship with one another. This is why we human beings reach out for relationship with God through prayer, and with one another through friendship. Every greeting we give to one another is proof of our origin in the Holy Trinity. Every prayer we make to God, every Mass we attend to praise God is proof that we are in relationship with God in the Trinity. Knowing that spiritual background about us it makes sense that rejection from others really hurts us and why the best moments in our life are when we are accepted by other people. Relationships are the goal of our life. To be a whole person, we look for a relationship with other human beings, and to be a healthy Catholic we look also for a relationship with God.

Today’s feast day makes me think of two things, one is a movie I like and another is an experience I had last week at my work place. The first thing is about watching the movie Castaway with Tom Hanks. Have any of you seen it? It is about an employee for Federal Express International package service. His plane crashes on an island in the Pacific Ocean and he is stranded alone on the island for four years. After the plane crash some of the packages drift ashore to the island and he uses the contents to survive. One of them is a volleyball. To overcome his loneliness, he paints a face on it and talks to it like it is a friend to give him the feeling of companionship in his isolation. He even names it “Wilson” after the name of the company who made it. Having a relationship with a volleyball seems stupid, but it shows how much we human beings were made for one another and for relationships.

The second thing happened last week at the Catholic college where I teach a lovely young women came to my office an hour before class was to start and started crying in front of me. She explained to me that the group she was assigned to for groupwork had rejected her the week before and she did not want to attend the class this day. I gave her permission to go to our college library and study by herself. I think all of us can understand that girl’s heartbreak. All of us in life have been abandoned in ways, rejected or ignored by family, friends or coworkers at a time, either on purpose or by accident. The feelings of sadness in those experiences are evidence that we human beings were really made to be together and not alone.

That is why God noticing our human tendency for loneliness when he made the first man Adam also created Eve to be his friend. At that moment God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him” (Genesis 2:18). We human beings need other human beings. All of us have had the unhappy experience of going to a movie by ourselves or out to dinner by ourselves. It is nice but such experiences would be better with friends or family. Here at the Catholic Center 4 of us unmarried priests on the last Sunday of the month try to go out to dinner together to build brotherhood and community between us. Such experiences are evidence of our belonging to the Holy Trinity; it is our spirituality to be together. It is the reason we feel at home in our Catholic Church, even though we are not related by blood, instead we have a relationship made by loving one another by love.

Today’s feast of the Trinity should encourage all of us in our families, friendships, and in our work places with coworkers to be dedicated to relationship building. One way to build relationships is to cooperate and not compete, to compliment and not complain, and to seek the common good instead of individual glory. I think St. Francis of Assisi is a good model for us to live in an attitude of the Trinity. He saw relationship with all things created by God. The sun was his brother, the moon was his sister, the wolf was his brother, etc. My brother and sister Catholics on this beautiful feast of the Holy Trinity that explains our human origins in God, let us thank God for the gift of our lives and for the lives of all others in our life story, and strive to live like God in peace and love with one another through a friendly relationship. Thank you very much. Father Ken





子供の頃、私たちはみんな 「かくれんぼ 」をしましたね。しかし、大人になった私たちも、霊的な「かくれんぼ 」を続けているかもしれません。たとえば、やるべきことが多すぎて、教会ミサに行くのを避けてしまう。時間がないから、祈ることから隠れてしまう。神様は子供だけのものだと思っているのでその宗教の習慣を隠します。また、自分の人生は自分でコントロールできると思うから、神様の助けから隠くします、等です。しかしみなさん、神は決してわたしたちを探します。「ケンちゃん、どこにいるの?」と呼びかけています。


みなさん、今日は私たちカトリック教会の誕生日におめでとうございます。今日、聖霊から新しい勇気と愛を頼んで個人の問題から隠れることをやめて、愛と勇気を使って乗り越えましょう。そして、神様が私たちを見つけてくださるように、毎週日曜日のミサに参りましょう。ありがとうございました。Happy Birthday.

Father Ken’s Message:

Good afternoon and Happy Pentecost Sunday. Today is the birthday of the Catholic Church. We are 1991 years old…applause please!!! How have we survived so long? Because of the Holy Spirit. Baptism saves us from Original Sin and makes us members of the Catholic Church; it brings us into the Catholic Church. But at Confirmation we receive the Holy Spirit which actually sends us out of the Church to practice the love and forgiveness in Catholic thought in our daily lives. Today let us thank the Holy Spirit for inspiring the early apostles and Mary the Mother of Jesus to build and organize our Catholic Church and let us ask power from the Holy Spirit to also be good models of Jesus in our work place, at home with our families, and at church.

I think it is important to stop and remember the history of how the Holy Spirit came to us from Heaven. After Jesus died, Resurrected and Ascended into Heaven the disciples were confused and afraid and spent their days hiding their identity in a house in Jerusalem.

On Easter Sunday in the evening Jesus appeared to them and gave some of the power of the Holy Spirit to them through his breath to give them courage until Pentecost; Apparently, they hide going fishing for 50 days until Pentecost. On Pentecost Sunday, the Holy Spirit gave St. Peter the power to give his first sermon as the first pope of the Catholic Church.

I would like to talk a little about a saint I love and respect very much who had a similar experience to St. Peter. I am talking about Mother Theresa. I think you all know a little about her life. She actually wanted to be a missionary but started out working as a geography teacher in the Convent of the Sisters of Loretto in Calcutta, India. It was after World War II ended and India was fighting for independence from Britain. Inside the convent the sisters and students were protected by the high walls of the convent but they could hear the fighting outside and lived in fear, except Mother Theresa. She felt called to leave the walls of the convent to go outside to help the people suffering and who were hungry. Mother Theresa heard the call from God to help people; she called it a call within a call. And she wrote to the Pope in Rome who gave her permission to leave the walls of the convent and to start a new order of sisters to help the poor around the world. I think the Mother Theresa story is helpful for us modern Catholics to also understand how to use our own gift of the Holy Spirit from Confirmation. The key is to jump over our fear and stop hiding from problems in our life situation with the power of love for God, for self and for others.

As children we all used to play the game “hide and seek.” Right? But some of us in our adult life too continue to play a spiritual version of “hide and seek” from God. We hide from going to church because we have too much work to do. We hide from prayer because we have no time. We hide from God because we think God is only for children. We hide from God because we think we can control our own lives, etc. But here is the best secret of Catholicism, God is searching for you and me. God has never stopped looking and even calling out, “Where are you, Ken?” Ever since Adam and Eve made the mistake of eating the rotten apple in the Garden of Eden and hid from God because of their mistake, God has been looking for us to find us and tell us how much he loves us. The best part of the game of “Hide and Seek” is actually being found, don’t you think? How nice to be actually found by God!

My friends today on Pentecost 1991 years ago the Holy Spirit filled the apostles and Mary with the Holy Spirit. After that, they stopped hiding and set off for the world to teach about the love and forgiveness of God for all human beings.

Happy birthday today everyone. Brother and sisters, let us get re-empowered by the Holy Spirit today, stop hiding from our problems and solve them with love, kindness and courage. And let us come to Mass each Sunday so that God may find us. Thank you.

Father Ken’s Message:

Good afternoon and welcome to the Catholic Cathedral of Sapporo. I, Father Ken am the pastor of the English Mass Community but I am away today celebrating Masses in other churches on our island of Hokkaido. This is a great time of year to be visiting Japan and our city of Sapporo. Last week the Cherry Trees started showing their Cherry Blossoms. It is perhaps the most beloved flower for Japanese people. Though the Japanese Cherry Trees give no fruit they spiritual food by their beauty and they invite people to come together to take photographs and even to picnic and celebrate friendship under their branches.

Similar to the Japanese Cherry Tree for people in Israel the grape orchards offered a similar experience of joy and celebration. The grapevine was the symbol of ancient Israel. It was etched on ancient coins and carved into buildings as decoration. A vineyard was a prized possession in the ancient Middle East because water was scarce and not safe to drink. Wine offered a source of relaxation for drinking and the sweet grapes for eating. The dried grapes turned into raisins were good for winter eating and for baking. Both the Old Testament and New Testament are full of stories about grape vineyards because it was a huge business in ancient times and source of employment.

Over the past 1900 years of Catholic-Christian history the most favorite image of Jesus has been that of the Good Shepherd, which was the topic of last week’s Gospel. In more modern times, the image of the Sacred Heart has also been an inspiring image for us believers. Perhaps the third most popular image is Jesus as the Vine and we as the branches, which is the topic of the Gospel today.

Saint John records that Jesus talked about the Vine and the Branches at the Last Supper. The Last Supper was an updated ritual meal of the Passover which Moses celebrated on the eve before the Jewish people left their life of slavery in Egypt to begin their journey to the Promise Land. At that meal the Jewish families ate lamb meat, unleavened bread, bitter spices and wine. The menu recorded for the Last Supper was simpler. Only bread and wine are recorded. By Jesus announcing that he is the Vine of the grapes, he is saying that he is the source of joy, celebration, and life. And on Sunday’s when we eat the Holy Eucharist (the body and blood of Jesus) Jesus gets inside of us, lives with us, and inspires us. Therefore, every Sunday we come to Mass and participate in the Holy Eucharist our union with Jesus intensifies. For this reason, we fast from food and drink an hour before we take the Holy Eucharist into our bodies to show reverence for Jesus’ presence about to enter into us. This is the process of us become little Christs called “Christians.” We like Jesus the Son of God, also become sons and daughters of God and brothers and sisters of Jesus to carry on his saving work through works of love. Our works of love is the fruit of the vine that Jesus is talking about to his disciples in this last teaching to them at the Last Supper.

The beautiful Second Reading for Mass today is about love. Love is our faith in God made visible. When we love another person, we are recognizing that God made them too. All persons are sacred because we all have the same Father in Heaven. Love is therefore our vocation as Catholic Christians. Our Christian vocation is to become more and more deeply loving persons. Love is our fruit.

Cherry Trees make beautiful pink cherry blossoms thank to the sap inside the trees, we Christians can make beautiful fruit in our own lives thanks to the love of Jesus inside of us from the nourishment of the Holy Eucharist. The Good News is that we are Good because God made you and me. Our homework this week is to be more aware of our lovingness. Let us celebrate our lovingness this week ahead by performing a good deed every day purely out of love. Do something good for someone else without expecting anything back in return. Allow God’s love to shine out of you in all your words, facial expressions and actions. Let us give others an experience of God through our love. Amen.

Thank you very much for coming to Mass today.


おはようございます。そしてゴールデンウィーク、おめでとうございます。 先週から桜が咲き始めました。桜は日本人にとって最も愛されている花でしょう。日本の桜は実をつけないが、その美しさによって人々を精神的な糧とし、その枝の下で写真を撮ったり、ピクニックをして友情を祝ったりと、人々を誘います。昔ユダヤ人たちも、日本の桜の木と同じように、ブドウ園も喜びと祝祭の同じような体験を提供してくれました。ブドウの木は古代イスラエルのシンボルでした。葡萄の木は古代のコインに刻まれ、装飾として建物に刻まれた。古代中東では水が乏しく、安全に飲めなかったため、ブドウ畑は貴重な財産でした。ワインは飲むための憩いの源であり、甘いブドウは食べるためのものだった。干しブドウはレーズンになり、冬の食用やお菓子作りに適していた。旧約聖書にも新約聖書にも、ブドウ畑の話がたくさん出てきます。過去1900年にわたるカトリックとキリスト教の歴史の中で、最も愛されてきたイエス様のイメージは、先週の福音のテーマであった「良い羊飼い」のイメージでした。より現代では、「イエスのみ心」のイメージも私たち信者を鼓舞するイメージとなっています。おそらく三番目に人気のあるイメージは、「イエス様がぶどうの木、私たちが枝である」、それが今日の福音のテーマです。













Father Ken’s Message

Good afternoon and welcome to the Catholic Cathedral of Sapporo. Today is the 3rd Sunday after Easter. Today is a very beautiful day for our English Mass Community. We will be welcoming two new little members into our family through Baptism. By coincidence I believe celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism within the Sacrament of the Mass (Holy Eucharist) captures the main point of Easter; our spiritual healing as human beings. All of us have gone to the doctor sometime in our lives, right. Sickness is one of the side-effects of our Original Sin; we are imperfect. I work in medicine when not working as a priest on the altar. As you all know there are various steps to cure: examination; making a diagnosis; choosing a course of treatment; cooperating with the treatment; follow-up care; and prognosis. These same steps were used by the great physician God to cure us of our spiritual Original Sin and possession of the devil. The cure was a spiritual cleansing by the water of Baptism, the oil of Confirmation, the nourishment of the Holy Eucharist, and life in the loving community of the Catholic Church. Thanks to the cooperation of Mary the Mother of Jesus and Jesus the Son of God we have been rescued from our spiritual disease of Original Sin and possession of the devil. Today we are also showing our love for two beautiful new brothers Ryan and Riley by using the cure Jesus brought to the world from Heaven to heal them from our inherited spiritual illness because we love them.

For me personally, the Gospel today seems very important. The Resurrected Jesus comes back to the friends he loved to show him that he is okay and survived death, which was the curse associated with Original Sin. Jesus proved his identity by way of his wounds. We in 2024 try to hide our wounds by plastic surgery and make overs or by hiding from others, but Jesus bragged about his wounds because they were the route to his Resurrection. God hated death and Original Sin, not us and Jesus figured out a way to save us captured by the sickness of the devil. For that reason, Jesus’ wounds are sacred. The Easter Candle in the front of the Church today praises the wounds of Jesus as the cure for our sin problem.

At my college teach all the Ethics courses like Medical Ethics, Nursing Ethics, etc. For us to be ethical we must concentrate on being moral human beings. The other animals created by God were imprinted with a plan for their existence by instinct. But we are more like God and have free will, so we must learn moral development by the choices we make in life guided by our parents, teachers, and priests. The simplest path of moral development promoted by a Harvard professor Carol Gilligan has three stages or steps: Step 1 is I love me; Step 2 is I love you; and Step 3 is I love you and me. Adam and Eve got stuck at “Step 1” loving only themselves but Mary and Jesus achieved “Step 3” by cooperating with God the Father’s cure for Original Sin through rejecting the devil’s temptations to go against the will of God. Mary accepted the challenge of being the Mother of Jesus out of love for all humanity not just for her self-protection. Likewise, Jesus accepted the Cross out of love for all humanity over safety for his own life. For this reason, our wounds are proof of our love for God. Wounds perhaps speak even louder than beautiful people do.

I am a fan of Pearl S. Buck who lived 100 years ago in Asia and wrote many books promoting love and understanding between peoples of the East and peoples of the West. She witnessed all the terrible wars in Asia and through her writings encouraged society to have empathy and love for the wounds in everyone’s bodies and souls. One of her famous quotes goes as follows: “We learn as much from sorrow as from joy, as much from illness as from health, as much from handicap as from advantage and indeed perhaps more.” My friends, dealing with life’s difficulties, disappointments, and injustices we come to understand and appreciate what the gift of life is all about. In today’s Gospel, the Risen Jesus challenges us his disciples to seek full spiritual health by examining our own wounds and through them to grow, transform and resurrect through the power of God’s love for us. My friends, let us be proud of who we are because God loves us more than he loves the problems, diseases and mistakes that wound us. Our wounds are a sign of God’s love for us. Amen.

Thank you very much.

What are the effects of Baptism?

1. Removes both original sin and personal sin, hence if one dies after Baptism he/she would go straight to Heaven.

2. Initiates the person into the Church. It marks him/her as God’s own, and allows the person to receive the other 6 Sacraments.

3. It makes the person an adopted child of God and puts gifts into his/her heart including sanctifying grace, supernatural gifts and Christian virtues.

Father Ken’s Message:

Good morning and welcome to the Catholic Cathedral of Sapporo. Today is “Vocation Sunday.”

On this day we should all reconsider how we are living our vocation as Catholic believers.

To help you do this I have an icebreaker question. If you could be any animal besides a human being, what animal would you choose to be? I use this question with my students at a local Catholic College I teach to get my students attention. Typically, the students choose to be lions, tigers, bears, eagles, elephants…mostly powerful creatures. The answer to the question is important for us to grasp the important meaning of Jesus’ idea of him being the Good Shepherd and his dream that we be like sheep.

Did any of you choose to be a sheep? I suspect not many choose to be a sheep because the image of a sheep is kind of counter-cultural to our 21st Century values. I mean a sheep seems very vulnerable, weak, dependent, defenseless, maybe even dumb. But Jesus wants us to be sheep because they are characteristically gentle, patient, cooperative, meek, humble and they know they need protecting so they follow the leader, their shepherd. Jesus told his 12 disciples when he sent them out on their first solo mission: “Look, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves” (Matthew 10:16); and “If anyone slaps you on your right cheek, turn and give them your left cheek as well” (Matthew 5:39). Jesus asked his followers 2000 years ago and us today to be last instead of first, forgive others, serve others, pray for enemies, and love neighbors. Jesus gave such instructions to his early followers because these are the characteristics that reflect the character of God. Our vocation is to be “perfect” like our Father God in Heaven; this is our challenge this afternoon to come back to our true identity and remove our costumes as wolves and lions.

This metaphor of Jesus as the Good Shepherd and we as sheep is ever applicable in our human history. Since the incident in the Garden of Paradise we human beings have been victims of prey by the predator the devil. He and his followers are the wolves that Jesus is trying to protect us from through this timeless metaphor. In contrast to wolves, sheep are harmless animals. They do not have a way to defend themselves. Sheep do not hunt, but rather, they graze on grass. Sheep do not fight, they run from a fight. Jesus wants us to be like sheep and not like wolves. Jesus does not want us to respond to situations in life like wolves. When the world is violent, he wants us to be forgiving. When the world is dangerous, he wants us to be kind. When the world is anti-God, he wants us to be loyal to God through faith and prayer.

My friends, our calling as Catholics is to live differently than the world around us. Too often some of us Catholics behave like wolves no differently than other people in the world. We Christian Catholics act like wolves when we seek out a fight, or bite each other with nasty words of hateful ideas. Our way is the sheep-way. Jesus is asking us to follow him to not attack people like prey but to be gentle, kind, compassionate, prayerful, humble and full of love.

Today in our Catholic Church a vocational change is happening and all of us sheep like Jesus “the lamb of God,” are also being asked to be good shepherds to one another. The good shepherd takes responsibility for the sheep entrusted to his or her care. We new Catholic good shepherds are challenged to love those who have not given us a reason to care for them. As Catholics we love even without a reason to love one another because it is what our Father in Heaven would do in the same situation, love everyone, love always. We modern people are always looking for evidence to support our actions but the Jesus story as the Good Shepherd giving us his life for people, he never knew has no logic or reason to support his love for humankind expect that it is the right thing to do; our vocation is the same as our brother Jesus and our Father God that is to love the seemingly unlovable people in our lives.

Thank you very much my fellow sheep and good shepherds. Let us live like Jesus and Father God in love.









Father Ken’s Message:

Good afternoon, everyone and again welcome to the Catholic Cathedral of Sapporo. It is nice to have you all here with our community today. This is the Fourth Sunday of Lent. The readings from the Bible today are about our spiritual sickness and our spiritual cure. I imagine it is safe to say that everyone in the church this afternoon has been sick once or twice in their lives. My oldest memories of being sick as a child with a cold is my mother’s cure consisting of chicken noodle soup with crackers and ginger ale and with permission to watch TV while staying home from school. Mom’s recipe for cure worked every time.

Each year in Lent as Catholics we stop our lives to do a spiritual health assessment of our hearts and souls. Our mothers and fathers knew what we needed to recover from childhood physical sicknesses and our spiritual Father in Heaven knows what we our hearts and souls need to recover spiritual health. We have each been born to two sets of parents, our Mom and Dads, and God our Father. From Mom and Dad we received DNA which predicted some health problems we might encounter in life. From God we inherited intelligence, free will, everlasting life, and love. Our free will is often the source of our spiritual illnesses, i.e. Adam and Eve choosing to follow the devil. In the 21st century we modern people are also tempted to believe that we are self-sufficient and able to work out our salvation by ourselves. Probably many of you like myself have heard the excuse from and family members that they are spiritual and not religious. They use it as their excuse for not going to church on Sunday. I apologize for all the problems of the Catholic Church. I am also a Catholic and I understand the Catholic Church as a community built of people and not of stones. Cement does not keep us together, love does. I come to church every Sunday because of love. I come to strengthen my love for God and all the people in my life, including all of you who I still do not know that well.

This spiritual illness is the problem in the First Reading this morning with the Jews in Jerusalem that lead to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon (Iraq) invading Jerusalem 600 years before the birth of Jesus and taking all the Jewish people to his country for 70 years as slaves. It is another repeat of the Adam and Eve story because of their apathy for God and religion.

1000 years before Babylon the same problem happened in the desert between Moses and the Jewish people who fled Egypt from slavery. Because of hardship in the desert life, they gave up on God to the point that they wanted to return to be slaves in Egypt. Snakes attacked them making their lives even worse and Moses prayed to God for help and he made the first version of the salvific Cross to save them with the help of God who designed it. Jesus used the example of Moses’ cross to explain his own Cross on Good Friday to save humanity from our sins of choosing the devil over God, from choosing hate over love, from choosing death over life. The key point of the Catholic religion is not about obeying picayune rules or memorizing the Bible, it is about deepening our relationship with the God in Jesus and the Jesus in one another and growing our power of love. We do this by caring about one another even though we might not know each other very well. We are all the brothers and sisters of Jesus and the sons and daughters of God. We are family. Our Sunday Mass is like our Sunday Family get-together meal together where we share our lives with one another and support one-another with brotherly and sisterly love. That is our Catholic religion, we believe in one another. And the Cross is our common symbol of love. I tell my Japanese students at the college where I teach that it resembles the “plus sign” or the “positive sign” meaning anything is possible if you have love. Please take a cross from the basket outside on the table and wear it with pride until the end of Lent to tell the world us Catholics care about one another.

Finally, before I shut up, I just wanted to talk about the snake a little bit that Jesus referred to in the Gospel today in his mentioning Moses. Firstly, the snake Moses used has nothing to do with the devil in this episode. The snake is mentioned 50 times in the Bible. The first time and the last time the snake is mentioned in the Bible the devil was the topic (see Genesis chapter 3 and Revelation chapter 20). Snakes to ancient people were feared but they were also used in ancient medical treatment so for the people to stare at the bronze snake on the cross was a sign of healing to people in that time. Moses made his famous cross in 1400 B.C. and 1000 years later the Greeks used Moses’ idea in their mythology with the god of healing Asclepius. The symbol Moses created has survived over 3624 years and is the symbol of WHO, World Medical Association, local doctor’s and nursing organizations, on drug stores, on uniforms of medical workers and painted on ambulances. The Cross has crossed over from the religious realm to the secular realm as a symbol and sign of caring and love for one another. That is pretty cool, I think.

And finally, finally I want to talk about the power of seeing symbols. We all know what happens when we see the Golden Arches of McDonald’s….we salivate for a Big Mac. Similarly, we Christians and Catholics might say we feel the same about seeing the Cross in churches or seeing the Holy Eucharist even before receiving it…the seeing of the Cross and the Holy Eucharist already has a healing and empowering effective upon our broken spirit. That is why the Jewish people in the desert looking at the Moses’ cross survived the snake bites. That is spirituality. My friends as we approach the end of Lent let us remember to give thanks to the guy who made the Cross the real symbol of salvation, Jesus. Sometime this week let us each go to a church and sit looking at the Cross and thank Jesus for saving us and loving us to death. Thank you very much.







